In the City of Lakeway, the city pays code enforcers to monitor that appropriate signage is used when a home is for sale. Example, for Open Houses, one can only have a sign that says "Open House" and an arrow plus a business card must be stapled on the sign. Nonetheless, realtors are only allowed to have an Open House on the second and fourth Sundays of the month. If your Open House sign is in violation, they either take the sign down and they try to track you down and pay you a visit and they give you a warning. Then after the first offense, you can get fined. Yes, I have had to learn the hard way and get many unexpected visits from the code enforcers.
When a property is for sale in Lakeway, you are not allowed a for sale sign, not even one. Just an informational box with flyers are allowed in front of the home. In my frustration, I have come up with this 'optimized' home for sale joke.
When a property is for sale in Lakeway, you are not allowed a for sale sign, not even one. Just an informational box with flyers are allowed in front of the home. In my frustration, I have come up with this 'optimized' home for sale joke.