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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Pearl's top ten gas saving tips

Need some gas saving tips? The last time I tapped off my tank was a long time ago. You can relate? Here are my top ten picks to save on gas:

1) Before getting in your car, ask yourself if this trip is necessary.
2) Consider car-pooling, share a gas bill and ride together.
3) Consider asking your neighbor if they need something from the grocery store before you leave.
4) Keep your car in shape. Make sure your car is properly tuned, filters are changed and tires are properly inflated.
5) Avoid peak rush hours. You don’t want to get caught in traffic.
6) Plan your errands.
7) Don’t leave your car running.
8) Remove excess weight in your car, drive light. I think I might just lose some weight too!
9) Consider working from home if your job permits it.
10) HIRE A REALTOR! Stop driving around neighborhoods looking for your next home. Hire me!