As you remember, October was when the bank fall out began, the beginning of Bush's bail-out plan. How did this affect Austin's real estate? Alamo Title reports that solds decreased by 26.24% from October last year. You are probably thinking that 26% isn't so bad, but if you look at the chart, Austin's real estate started to take a dip in the fall. Hence, I am guessing, that's around a 36% decrease in sales from 2 years ago!
As far as Lakeway real estate, sales are down 5% from last October or 33% down from October 2006.
With the Presidential election finally over, I am optimistic that our new President will bring good changes and I hope that you feel the same way.
NOTE: The information here in has been obtained from Alamo Title and Austin Board of Realtors and has not been verified.