My nickname to many is "Cookie Realtor", and I don't mind it because I do love to bake. Stokes Sign in Lakeway calls me by my nickname because they are my best fans. Every Christmas, I bring homemade cookies to many including my clients who live nearby. Hey you wouldn't want stale cookies would you? This year, here is the list of my home baked cookies. People are amazed where I find the time to bake. Hey, when you love what you do, you will make time. Today especially was a very wet and rainy day in Austin. The perfect time to do a "pop by" since I know that most people will be home and NOT Christmas shopping. I stopped by a client's home and immediately at the door was my client and her daughter in the background said, "Is that Mrs. Jones?" and came running to the front door and gave me a hug. My client said,"My gosh, my daughter was just wondering when you were coming with the cookies!". Of course, the daughter is now a foot taller since last year, I barely recognized the (almost) woman before my eyes but it was such a delight to see the teens enjoy my cookies. Earlier today, another friend mentioned, she was thinking of me and my Christmas cookies at school today. She knew how I always plan ahead and got my Christmas cookies early.
Before you move on to the next blog, read the small print in the photo above. It says "Will bake cookies for your real estate referrals". And I mean it, don't you need a cookie realtor? Want to be one of my cookie recipients?