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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Random Acts of Weirdness in Austin

Austinites have this saying, KEEP AUSTIN WEIRD.  An icon for keeping Austin Weird is the late Leslie Cochran.  Leslie can be found dressed up in women's clothes walking 6th street, in a bikini or thong, just to be specific.  There is another man that rides his bicycle around Austin in a thong or ripped shorts without underwear.  Though I do not know his name and see him around when I drive near downtown Austin, these are examples of Weirdness.  Weirdness also relates to our weather.  On the same day, it will be hot, then suddenly rain, then hail, then back to hot weather.  They also have a saying,"if you don't like the weather wait 5 minutes".  

In honor of Leslie Cochran who passed away on March 12, 2012, I created this photo supporting Random Acts of Weirdness.

Pass it on!