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Wednesday, January 10, 2024

NAR Reports 10 cities with most Pent-up Housing Demand in 2024

Last month, I attended a NAR economic forecast, led by Economist Lawrence Yun.  Mr. Yun discussed many topics.  But one that I wanted to share with you, is his list of 10 cities where the market with the most pent-up housing demand.  Please go to the attached link to read the full article.

In the list, Austin, has earned the top #1 spot.  I am not surprised, with so many people still moving to Austin.   Other Texas Cities that made the list are Dallas (#2) and Houston (#7).  This will make it interesting as interest rates are forecasted to drop this spring.

If you are thinking of buying real estate, NOW is the time to buy before the increase demand surges.

SOURCE: National Association of Realtors website.