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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Austin suffers flooding and tornado warnings over Memorial Day weekend

Memorial Day for Austinites was rainy, windy, scarry and gloomy. It all started on Saturday around 6pm when the rain came. The problem was it just kept coming. Then came the wind. We received two close calls, 2 tornado watches. Our phones and tv screens beeped and our power shut down. I bolted into the closet under the stairs with the dog until the wind died down. 
My son on his way back to San Antonio got stuck in between two quickly rising low water crossings by Blanco River. He had to wait it out for 4 hours.  Wimberley was severely flooded leaving people homeless and families unfound.

Sunday gave us a break but the rain was on and off. Monday was another repeat with another 2 tornado warnings with a real close call of a funnell cloud above us. A few tornadoes touched down all around Austin but not in Austin.  Finally, our Lake Travis has increased 30 ft in the past 30 days, hurray but the damages and loss of lives are huge. It is day 2 and the City is still recovering and still getting more rain. June is going to be another wet month they say. Can we sustain more damages?
I know we need the rain but not all at once please.